BANBAN Waste Group


Some shortcuts through the jargon jungle of waste management, chemistry, government etc.

AWWW-   A Way With Waste: A draft waste strategy for England and Wales, London, DETR, 1999
BATNEEC-     Best Available Techniques Not Entailing Excessive Cost
Bioavailability-   The degree to which contaminants are taken up by plants, animals or humans who are exposed to them
BPEO-   Best Practicable Environmental Option
CA sites-   Community Amenity sites [where people may take their household refuse]
C&D waste-   Construction and Demolition waste
CAIR-   Campaign Against the Incineration of Refuse (Newcastle upon Tyne, UK)
CFCs-   Chlorofluorocarbons
CHP-   "Combined Heat and Power" plant
CHP-   Contract Heat and Power: A company responsible for the Byker Plant in the 1990s
COSHH-   Control of Substances Hazardous to Health [= UK legal health regulations]
CRN-   Community Recycling Network (UK)
DETR-   Department for Environment, Transport and the Regions (UK)
Dioxins-   A toxic, carcinogenic family of unintentional byproducts of incineration of chlorine-containing materials, e.g.PVC
DLO-   Direct Labour Organisation
DSOs-   Direct service organisations
EfW-   Energy from Waste Association
EIA-   Environmental Impact Assessment
EIC-   Environment Industries Commission (UK)
EIF-   Environmental Industries Federation [a group based in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK]
ELVs-   Emission limit values
ELVs (2)-   End-of-life vehicles
EPA-   Environmental protection Agency (USA)
EPR-   Extended Producer Responsibility
ESRC-   Economic and Social research Council (UK)
GHG-   Greenhouse gases [=carbon dioxide; methane; perfluorocarbons; nitrous oxide]
GRRN-   GrassRoots Recycling Network [US advocate for zero waste, 1996->]
HMIP-   Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Pollution=now part of the Environment Agency (UK)
IPC-   Integrated Pollution Control
IPCS-   International Programme on Chemical Safety
IUGR-   Intrauterine growth retardation
LCA-   Life cycle analysis
LPAC-   London Planning Body
MBT-   Mechanical Biological Process
MRFs-   Materials recycling facilities
MSW-   Municipal solid waste
NECs-   National emission ceilings
NFDP-   Not-for-distributed-profit
NFFO-   Non Fossil Fuel Obligation (UK)
NOAEL-   No Adverse Effect Level
Organo-halogens-   A class of chemicals made from carbon and chlorine, bromine etc.
PAHs-   Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
PAMs-   "Printed advertising materials"
PC-   process contribution
PCBs-   Polychlorinated biphenyls
PCDD-   polychloro-dibenzodioxins
PCDFs-   Polychloro-dibenzodioxins and furans
PCV-   Pedestrian controlled vehicle [a small electric cart used for collecting waste, e.g. in Haringey]
PET-   Polyethylene teraphthalate
POPs-   Persistant Organic Pollutants
PRNs -   Packaging recovery notes [a UK system to indicate the delivery of a certain weight of secondary material to processors for recycling or recovery]
PVC-   Polyvinyl chloride [a chlorine-containing plastic]
REIA-   Regulatory and Environmental Impact Assessment
RTAB-   Regional Technical Advisory Bodies
SAHSU-   Small Area Health Statistics Unit
SCAs-   Supplementary credit approvals [a system of partial capital finance for composting and recycling schemes by local authorities, discontinued in 1999]
SELCHP-   South East London Combined Heat and Power Plant
SME-   Small and medium enterprise
SSA-    Standard Spending Assessment (UK)
SWMA-    Sustainable Waste Mangegement Appraisal
TCDD-   Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin: [a dioxin with four chlorine atoms; a human carcinogen]
TCDF-   Tetrachlorodibenzofuran: [furan with four chlorine atoms]
TCF technologies-   Totally chlorine-free technologies
TDI-   Tolerable Daily Intake
TDS-   Total diet study
TEF-   Toxicity Equivalence Factors
USEPA-   United States Environmental Protecton Agency
VOCs-   Volatile Organic Component
WCAs-   Waste Collection Authorities
WDA-   Waste Disposal Authority
WHO-   World Health Organisation

website structure last updated 14/11/2003; this page last updated 27/01/2004
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