BANBAN Waste Group

Public participation in BAN Waste & the Select Committee

As a community-led and open group, BAN Waste welcomes participation from all interested members of the public in all our meetings and the Select Committee process. The gathering and sifting of expert evidence requires input from as many people as possible, and the final recommendations will depend on public support if they are to form the basis of a sustainable waste strategy for the city.

In the first, evidence-gathering, phase of the Select Committee, expert witnesses presented information and answered questions relating to many aspects of sustainable waste management. The witnesses who came to Newcastle for these hearings are listed in the witnesses page within the Select Committee section of this website. This page also includes links to the written summaries of their evidence which all expert witnesses were asked to submit in advance, together with notes of the Select Committee hearings and the witnesses' answers to the questions put to them.

Everyone's involved
Everyone's involved in sustaining a healthy waste strategy for the city

Please contact BAN Waste if you have other queries or would like more information on the Select Committee process, or to be kept in touch with future community events. Details of the Community Days held across Newcastle, and the resulting Community Events Report, are included in the other pages in this section of the website.

The chair of the Select Committee, Andrew Bennett MP, has said of the need for public support and input:

People have votes. The disposable nappy, their newspaper, bottles, dog and cat litter - where they decide to cast their vote will decide the Waste Strategy (ie democracy). The purpose of the interim report, therefore, is to inform and educate and present people with choices. These will be evaluated and subject to public discussion, before we come to the final part of the inquiry.

website structure last updated 14/11/2003; this page last updated 27/01/2004
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